

Staying on target when work feels hard 🎯

As Q4 approaches, your ability to stay focused on work at your desk might be waning. You’re planning holidays. Your personal calendar is filling up with end-of-year activities. The cooler weather has ...

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Stop your self-sabotage with 3 Rs

A few years ago I had a conversation with a client who said an unexpected thing that showed his real, inner thoughts.

This man has made amazing strides. In 6 months he turned his sales around, sellin...

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Are you charging what you’re worth?

I’ve got a true story for you about a service professional who knows their value. Where do you see yourself in this story?

It’s been hotter and more humid than ever this summer in the U.S., so when m...

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Cue the “Jaws” theme music

Jaws. Have you seen the movie? I think it scarred my generation who saw it when they were young.

I learned recently that the shark doesn’t appear on the screen until the 1 hr and 21 min mark of the 2...

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Jumpstart your sales with one major action

There’s no quick fix for struggling sales, but I can think of one thing that makes a HUGE difference: Start using a strong call to action (CTA) immediately.

(See what I did there?)

Here are two guid...

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