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Staying on target when work feels hard 🎯


As Q4 approaches, your ability to stay focused on work at your desk might be waning. You’re planning holidays. Your personal calendar is filling up with end-of-year activities. The cooler weather has you yearning for any place other than your desk.  

We know that our buyers are in the same boat. 

Here’s what this can mean for those of us who sell products or services:

  1. Remember prospects are busy and you’ll need to be persistent to reach them.
  1. Don’t pre-decide for your clients. If you start to tell yourself things like, “It’s too close to the weekend,” or “It’s almost a holiday, so I’ll wait,” you’re deciding their priorities for them. 
  1. Be clear on your CTA (Call To Action). We’re all busy. If you name when you’ll reach back out (and how you’ll do it), you keep everyone on track. You’re being the good Guide your prospects need.

People buy on Fridays. People buy during the winter. People buy close to holidays. These things don’t stop, so we shouldn’t either.

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